Is your facilities Trauma Center looking at a visit for certification and have a backlog of trauma data that needs completed? How about a trauma Center survey looming and you are behind in data collection and entry? DASpecialists can now help you get back on the right track and KEEP you there.
You know that your Trauma data is very important to the outcome of these certification visits and surveys. DASpecialists now offers data abstraction and support services for The National Trauma Data Bank® (NTDB). Utilizing only CSTR and CAISS certified abstractors with a minimum of 3 years’ experience of NTDB data collection, DASpecialists can help your facilities trauma center collect, enter and analyze your data on a timely basis…efficiently while ensuring data as clean and correct as possible.
The National Trauma Data Bank® is the largest aggregation of trauma registry data ever assembled. The goal of the NTDB is to inform not only facility stakeholders and staff about the current state of care for injured persons who present at Trauma centers, but also make this data available to the medical community as well as the public at large. Compiled on an annual basis, this data is disseminated so that facility benchmarks can be utilized by your facility, as well as in the form of research data sets that will be used by researchers.
Ensure that your facility’s data is being published and disseminated in the way that correctly represents the care that your trauma center provides by letting DASpecialists join your team and provide you with timely, efficient, clean and correct NTDB data abstraction and support services today. Call 336-684-7253 and ask for more on how DASpecialsits can help with YOUR NTDB data collection.